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貨號: M03-23-001 分類: , ,


“Do you have kids?”

This common intake question is intended to gather information, forge connection, and build context around your clients’ lives.

But for your clients experiencing infertility, it is a major trigger. And it activates the grief and isolation inherent in involuntary childlessness.

As more individuals start their families at older ages and the presence of reproductive challenges increases, infertility trauma and grief will show up in more therapy practices.

Without specific training in infertility grief and trauma, you won’t be effective at challenging inadequacy beliefs, negative self-worth, shame, worry, irritability, depression, body issues, and relationship conflict these clients experience – nor be equipped to navigate the myriad of heartbreaks they face.

Don’t let therapy be a place where clients coping with current or previous infertility feel further stigmatized.

Watch Dr. Loree Johnson, LMFT, fertility counseling and reproductive trauma expert, for this dynamic one-day training that will give you the skills you need to process infertility grief and trauma with your clients. Using the lens of cultural humility, you’ll learn strategies to:

Ask the right questions to get to the heart of your clients’ infertility experience
Intervene with individuals and couples using EMDR, somatic and emotion-focused techniques, and more
Assess your clients’ intersectional identity to contextualize their reproductive story
Utilize the dual process model to support grief at all life stages
Packed with case studies, exercises, and compelling self-reflections for the therapist, this training will have you ready to meet the growing need for support around infertility.


如果沒有針對不孕症悲傷和創傷的專門培訓,您將無法有效地挑戰這些客戶所經歷的不充分信念、消極的自我價值、羞恥、擔憂、易怒、抑鬱、身體問題和人際關係衝突 – 也無法駕馭無數他們面臨的心碎。


觀看 LMFT 生育諮詢和生殖創傷專家 Loree Johnson 博士的動態一日培訓,它將為您提供與客戶一起處理不孕症悲傷和創傷所需的技能。使用文化謙遜的鏡頭,您將學習以下策略:


使用 EMDR、以軀體和情緒為中心的技術等對個人和夫婦進行干預




Loree Johnson, PhD, LMFT, graduated from Syracuse University with a master’s and doctorate in marriage and family therapy. Inspired by one of the first mental health programs to weave the basic tenets of social justice into the filed of family therapy, she started her career in community mental health and now works in private practice in Hermosa Beach, CA. As a result of her reproductive story, Dr. Johnson sought training in fertility counseling and reproductive trauma. She is certified in EMDR. Dr. Johnson has been an active member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy for more than 20 years and has served in various board positions at the state and national levels. She completed her tenure on the Anti-Racism Task Force for the Mental Health Professionals Group of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. In addition to reproductive psychology, Dr. Johnson is passional about therapists and reducing disparities in the infertility and loss communities that impact access to treatment, care, and outcomes.



Loree Johnson博士,LMFT,畢業錫拉丘茲大學,獲得婚姻與家庭治療碩士和博士學位。最早將社會正義的基本原則融入家庭治療領域的心理健康計劃之一的啟發,她開始在社區心理健康方面職業生涯,現在在加利福尼亞州赫莫薩比奇的私人診所工作。由於她生殖故事,約翰遜博士尋求生育諮詢和生殖創傷方面的培訓。她獲得 EMDR 認證。20 多年來,約翰遜博士一直是美國婚姻與家庭治療協會成員,並在州和國家層面擔任過多個董事會職位。她在美國生殖醫學協會心理健康專家組的反種族主義工作組任期結束。