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貨號: M30-23-006 分類: , ,


While foot and ankle diagnoses are commonly addressed by rehab professionals, might you be overly simplifying your treatment with tunnel vision?

Learn how to move beyond common pitfalls in managing lower extremity dysfunction by avoiding diagnosis driven treatment by shifting to a whole-person approach.

You will quickly discover how the lower extremities function as part of the kinetic chain in which a global assessment approach is essential to identify the origin of dysfunction.

Our promise to you – this training is different than the standard orthopedic skills course. Constant emphasis is applied to function of the whole person through the entire kinetic chain AND neurocognitive contributions are presented. You’ll learn:

Simple and effective strategies for the most common diagnoses in both acute and chronic presentations: plantar fasciitis, ankle sprains, achilles tendon & posterior tibialis dysfunction, and more!
Proven techniques to enhance mobility and stability throughout the kinetic chain
How to eliminate foot pain and unnecessary procedures
How the pelvis and hips influence foot and ankle mechanics
Essential tools including graded exposure and cognitive behavioral therapy approaches to manage complex conditions with ease
Put your new skills into action through multiple case studies that include a detailed look at the assessment, objective findings, treatment approaches, and outcomes.

You will confidently implement programs for return to sport along with how to advise footwear recommendations based on your client’s individual needs. Purchase now for a course that guarantees better outcomes for both you and your patients.




我們向您承諾 – 此培訓不同於標準的骨科技能課程。通過整個動力鏈不斷強調整個人的功能,並提出神經認知貢獻。你會學到:



Speaker 01

Dr. Courtney Conley is the founder and creator of Gait Happens where she has the opportunity to truly realize her dream of helping as many people as possible reclaim their foot function.

She’s a renowned foot and gait specialist who teaches both nationally and internationally. Dr. Conley is a chiropractic physician who specializes in foot and gait mechanics. She holds a BA in Kinesiology, a BA in Human Biology, and a doctorate in Chiropractic Medicine.

She is the owner and operator of Total Health Solutions clinic and Total Health Performance gym in Lakewood, CO, where she heads patient care with a focus on restoring gait mechanics and helping people resolve foot problems to move more easily and with less pain.

Dr. Conley is a founding member of the Healthy Foot Alliance, an international team of practitioners whose collective goal is to bring light to the benefits of national footwear and prevent unnecessary surgical procedures by improving foot foundation and creating a stable platform from the ground up.

Speaker 02

Joseph LaVacca, PT, DPT, OCS, has been practicing physical therapy in New York City since 2010. He is the owner and founder of Strength in Motion Physical Therapy, where his passion lies in helping individuals with chronic pain rediscover themselves and their joy in both movement and life. Joe also holds advanced certifications in Orthopedics and movement screen utilization for the FMS/SFMA and functional range systems. Joe also prides himself on being a functional strength and mobility coach, while also having the opportunity to educate clinicians throughout the country and the world on topics such as building therapeutic alliance through the art of communication, understanding pain, treatment of lower extremity dysfunction and gait assessment, the clinical applications of CBD and breathwork interventions, as well as kinesiology taping and instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization.


考特尼·康利 (Courtney Conley)博士是專門研究足部和步態力學的整脊醫師。她擁有馬里蘭大學運動機能學學士學位,是科羅拉多州戈爾登市 Total Health Solutions 的所有者和經營者。她還是 Gait Happens 的創始人,這是一個專門研究足部和步態力學的在線教育平台。她成為一名足部和步態專家的個人旅程始於多年前,當時她在伊利諾伊州芝加哥市的脊椎按摩療法學校就讀。她有幸得到她所在領域的一些頂級專家的指導。

現在,出於與患者分享知識的願望,Conley 博士深入學習赤腳功能,並向 XERO 鞋業首席執行官 Steven Sashen 和 Joe Nimble 的所有者 Sebastian Bar 等專家學習;2 家功能性鞋類公司的創始人。她更多地研究了腳的力學及其與整個動力鏈的關係。

今天,康利博士站在教育公眾足部健康益處的前沿。她的熱情和願望是看到人們消除足部疼痛并開始更好地運動,消除不必要的手術和慢性疼痛。她很享受為世界各地的客戶提供諮詢,並與她最好的朋友兼合作夥伴 Joseph LaVacca 博士一起教授她的下肢課程 TOP DOWN,BOTTOM UP。