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Children do not present with one area of difficulty when it comes to feeding – it is typically a mix of behavior, sensory and oral-motor issues. As a result, we need to learn how to adjust on the fly when a child throws us a curveball in a session that doesn’t fit with our treatment plan.

In this 2-day seminar, I will show you how to use a roadmap to navigate the muddy waters of feeding and learn how to seamlessly move between sensory, motor and behavior strategies to create the best-individualized treatment plan for each child.

Through video case examples, I will show you treatment strategies, and hands-on exercises to gain the knowledge needed to successfully treat feeding difficulties.

You’ll walk away with advanced techniques to:

Evaluate the causes of mealtime difficulties: behavior, sensory, oral motor, or a combination
Increase the range of foods, decrease rigidity around mealtimes
Increase jaw strength and decrease ineffective lip closure, or poor tongue lateralization
Use deep breathing and proprioceptive input to address self-regulation at the table
Educate parents and caregivers to promote carryover at home
Increase self-regulation around feeding
Increase food play and exploration to increase food acceptance


在這個為期 2 天的研討會中,我將向您展示如何使用路線圖在餵養的渾水摸魚中前行,並學習如何在感官、運動和行為策略之間無縫切換,從而為每個孩子製定最佳的個性化治療計劃。





Jessica Hunt, OTR/L, is well-known for her experience in treating pediatric sensory processing disorders in both the home and clinical settings. She serves children by bringing her feeding expertise directly into the home setting through her company J.L. Hunt Therapeutics. Previously Jessica worked for 10 years at Kaufman Children’s Center as the director of occupational therapy and sensory integration programs, and then as the director of feeding and oral motor programs. She is certified in sensory integration, receiving her Sensory Integration and Praxis Test (SIPT) certification in 2008, and studied with Lucy Jane Miller, PhD, OTR, who is nationally recognized for sensory research, education, and treatment.

Jessica received her bachelor’s degree in occupational therapy from Wayne State University in 2003. She gained expertise in “picky eating,” oral-motor therapy through trainings that include, the Beckman Protocol, and Talk Tools, behaviors issues with feeding, feeding strategies for children who have autism, and treating medically challenging children. She is also trained in craniofacial therapy, advanced training in Therapeutic Listening System, and Handwriting without Tears. Jessica is also the notable recipient of the 2011 Michigan Occupational Therapy Association Award of Excellence.


傑西卡·亨特 (OTR/L)因其在家庭和臨床環境中治療兒科感覺處理障礙的經驗而聞名。她通過她的公司 JL Hunt Therapeutics 將餵養專業知識直接帶入家庭環境,從而為兒童服務。此前,傑西卡在考夫曼兒童中心工作了 10 年,擔任職業治療和感覺統合項目主任,然後擔任餵養和口腔運動項目主任。她獲得了感覺統合認證,並於 2008 年獲得了感覺統合與實踐測試 (SIPT) 認證,並師從在感官研究、教育和治療方面享譽全國的 OTR 露西·簡·米勒 (Lucy Jane Miller) 博士。

傑西卡 (Jessica) 於 2003 年獲得韋恩州立大學 (Wayne State University) 的職業治療學士學位。她通過培訓獲得了“挑食”、口腔運動治療方面的專業知識,這些培訓包括貝克曼協議和談話工具、餵養行為問題、兒童餵養策略患有自閉症的人,以及治療具有醫學挑戰性的兒童。她還接受過顱面治療、治療聽力系統高級培訓和無淚手寫的培訓。傑西卡還是 2011 年密歇根職業治療協會卓越獎的著名獲得者。