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貨號: OP07-23-001 分類: , ,


Aging in place is here to stay. Healthcare is rapidly shifting to a home & value-based model, so patients are being sent home with significantly higher levels of impairment and illness than ever before.

Therapists must be prepared to make home modification recommendations to prevent rehospitalizations and adverse events—beyond just the “bandaid” of a grab bar. But large-scale renovations can seem daunting and intimidating…

That’s why I put together this course—to be your GO-TO guide for understanding your role as a rehab clinician in home safety assessments and modifications. Learn how you can:

Integrate a comprehensive home safety assessment in a timely manner
Implement a simple step-by-step framework to oversee home modification projects from start to finish!
Fall proof a home in 4 easy steps
Specialized recommendations for TBI, SCI, peripheral neuropathy and more!
Get paid! Understand implications for Medicare, waiver programs and cash-based pay!
This is your opportunity to get ahead of the curve! This rapidly growing market desperately needs more trained clinicians. You have a unique skill set that allows you to anticipate future needs and finally make long lasting independence a possibility! Expand your opportunities to work outside the traditional medical model with this sought-after skill set that will boost your referrals and add a cash-based revenue stream to your practice.



這就是為什麼我把這門課程放在一起——作為你的 GO-TO 指南,讓你了解你作為康復臨床醫生在家庭安全評估和修改中的角色。學習如何:

只需 4 個簡單步驟即可讓房屋防墜落
針對 TBI、SCI、周圍神經病變等的專門建議!


Dawn Heiderscheidt, MOT, OTR/L, ECHM, CDCS, is the owner and CEO of Aurora Independence — a company focused on home safety consulting and home modifications. While working in acute/subacute home-based rehabilitation settings, she consistently saw patients returning to her caseload due to falls and home safety concerns. This is what sparked her desire to serve people and help keep them safe at home. She holds her Executive Certification in Home Modifications, she is a Certified Aging in Place specialist and acts as Program Admin for Community Aging in Place—Advancing Better Living for Elders (CAPABLE). Beyond this she partners with local non-profits, Habitat for Humanity and local universities to help guide the next generation of Occupational Therapists in Home Modifications.

Before becoming an OT, she spent years as an educator in Philadelphia, PA. She continues to have a strong desire to educate and empower others through therapy sessions, speaking engagements, and instructing courses. She also partners with several start-ups, offering concierge services to Philadelphia and surrounding areas. Dawn has been a guest lecturer at Temple University and provides fall prevention workshops in her community.

Dawn is passionate about helping people live in their homes successfully and participate in the activities they love. She continues to seek new knowledge and build connections for home safety, home modifications, and aging in place.


Dawn Heiderscheidt,MOT,OTR/L,ECHM,CDCS,是 Aurora Independence 的所有者兼首席執行官,該公司專注於家庭安全諮詢和家庭改造。在急性/亞急性家庭康復環境中工作時,她經常看到患者因跌倒和家庭安全問題而返回她的工作崗位。這激發了她為人們服務並幫助他們在家中保持安全的願望。她持有居家改造方面的行政人員認證,是一名經過認證的居家養老專家,並擔任社區居家養老項目管理員促進老年人更美好的生活 (CAPABLE)。除此之外,她還與當地非營利組織、仁人家園 (Habitat for Humanity) 和當地大學合作,幫助指導下一代家庭改造職業治療師。

在成為 OT 之前,她在賓夕法尼亞州費城擔任了多年的教育工作者。她仍然強烈希望通過治療課程、演講活動和指導課程來教育和授權他人。她還與多家初創企業合作,為費城及周邊地區提供禮賓服務。Dawn 一直是天普大學的客座講師,並在她的社區舉辦跌倒預防研討會。

Dawn 熱衷於幫助人們成功地在家中生活並參與他們喜歡的活動。她繼續為家庭安全、家庭改造和就地養老尋求新知識並建立聯繫。