
智能科技-OPharmic Technology超音波藥物治療眼睛.MODOBAG智能電動行李箱.eSight 可穿戴式醫療設備幫助視障人士


貨號: E10-21-011 分類: ,


Ultrasonic waves deliver eye drugs, Disney robots perform aerial stunts, and digital glasses restore sight to the blind. Plus, Michael and Anthony speak with NBA champion Rick Fox about the exciting future for competitive video gaming. Hosted by venture capitalist Anthony Lacavera and technology journalist Michael Bancroft. Other featured guests include: Langston Suen, Founder and CEO, Opharmic Technology; Lucas Kwan, Co-Founder, OneCHARGE; Manav Gupta, Founder and CEO, Brinc and Brian Mech, President and CEO, eSight.