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貨號: E06-20-028 分類: , , ,






Knots, Mixed martial arts, Satellites, Soil, LPG, Mining.   Find out about the inner workings and origins of the things that pique your curiosity. Knots:   A knot is a way of interlacing, entwining, or looping a linear material such as a rope, cord, or string, and drawn tight into a knob to fasten or bind it with another material.  Mixed Martial Arts: Mixed martial arts or MMA is a full-contact combat sport that uses techniques from other combat sports and martial arts Satellites:   A satellite is an artificial object that is placed into the orbit of the earth for various purposes.  Memory:   Memory is a person’s ability to encode, store, and retain information and past experiences in the brain.  Soil:  It is the brown dirt that makes up most of the ground. Soil is a natural body which is a mixture of minerals, organic matter, gases, liquids, and organisms.  LPG: Liquefied petroleum gas or LPG is flammable mixtures of hydrocarbon gases, which are also referred to as propane or butane.  Mining:  Mining is the process of extracting valuable minerals from deposits on earth, which are of economic interest to the miner.




Acoustics, Coding, Fiber Optics, Hard drives, Helium, Herbal medicines, High definition. Find out about the inner workings and origins of the things that pique your curiosity. Acoustics:  Sounds are vibrations that disseminate through a medium as mechanical waves of pressure and displacement.  Coding:  Behind every computer software application and website, is sets of instructions or rules that a computer follows. These instructions are known as code. Fiber Optics:  It is an upgrade of metal and copper wire cables. Fiber optics is a technology that uses a flexible, transparent fiber made of glass known as optical fiber, to transmit data in the form of light.  Hard Drives: Also known as a hard disk drive, a hard disk, or fixed disk. A hard drive is a data storage device that is used to store and retrieve digital information.  Helium: Helium is a chemical element that belongs to the noble gas group.  Herbal Medicines:  An herb is a plant or a specific part of a plant that can be used for its scent, flavor, or therapeutic properties.  High Definition:  High definition, Hi-def, or HD, is a system or technology for showing noticeably clear pictures on a television or computer screen or producing very clear sounds.




Blender, Boomerang, Air fryer, Mummies, Doorknob, E Sports, Pedals.  Find out about the inner workings and origins of the things that pique your curiosity. Blender:   A blender is a kitchen or laboratory appliance that is used to mix, puree, or emulsify food and other substances.  Boomerang: Throw it away, and it will come right back to you. A boomerang is a tool, typically a flat airfoil that is designed to spin and return to the thrower when thrown.  Air Fryer:   An air fryer is a frying machine that uses superheated air and about 80 percent less oil than traditional deep frying to produce crispy food such as chips, chicken, and fish.  Mummies:   A mummy is a preserved deceased human or animal through intentional or accidental exposure to chemicals, extreme cold, or other environmental factors.  Doorknob:  A door knob is a round operating mechanism that is attached to a door. Although there are several types, designs, and features, a door knobs primary function is to manually open or close a door.  E Sports:  Electronic sports or simply eSports are a form of competition that is enabled by electronic systems known as video games.  Pedals:  It came from the Latin word pes, or pedis, which means foot, because it is controlled using the foot.


E06-20-025      生活與科學術語認識23-瀝青.刀片.洗碗機.鐵.希臘神話.夢.動漫


Asphalt, Blades, Dishwasher, Iron, Greek Mythology, dreams, Anime.  Find out about the inner workings and origins of the things that pique your curiosity. Asphalt:  It is used to build roads and highways. Asphalt is a black and sticky petroleum in a highly viscous liquid or semi-solid form. Asphalt can be obtained from natural deposits or may be a refined product.  Blades: A blade is an edge commonly made of metal, and sometimes flint, ceramic, or stone, that is designed to puncture, chop, slice, or scrape objects, or surfaces. It is used as a part of tools, weapons, or machines, such as knives and swords.   Dishwasher:   A dishwasher is a machine that cleans dishware and cutlery.  Iron:  Iron is a chemical element known as ferrum. It is abundant in rocky planets, including the earth.  Greek Mythology:  Greek mythology embodies the stories and teachings that the ancient Greeks told about their gods and heroes, the nature of the world, and the origins and significance of their cult and rituals. Dreams:  A dream is a sequence of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that involuntarily occur in the mind during




Bass, Passport, Nose, Blood pressure, Cinema, Pop, Comics. Find out about the inner workings and origins of the things that pique your curiosity.  Bass: Bass describes musical instruments that produce tones of low or deep frequency, pitch, and range.  Passport: A passport is a travel document issued by the government that serves as a certified proof of identity and nationality of a person travelling internationally.  Nose: The human nose is the protruding part at the center of the face that bears the nostrils. Blood Pressure:  Blood pressure is the force applied by circulating blood on the walls of blood vessels, through which blood is transported. Cinema: A cinema is a place that is built for the purpose of viewing films for entertainment. It is also commonly known as a movie theater. Pop:  Pop is a genre of music that evolved in the Western world in the 1950s and 60s. It is a softer version of rock and roll, with a broad range of styles, borrowing elements from other genres including urban, dance, rock, Latin, and country. Comics: Comics is a medium or outlet of expressing ideas or telling stories mainly by using pictures.




Woodwinds, Tablets, Storms, Spring, Speakers, Rubbing Alcohol, Planets.  Find out about the inner workings and origins of the things that pique your curiosity. Woodwinds: Woodwind instruments are a family of musical instruments that are mainly characterized by producing sound with the use of a focused stream of air.  Tablets:  A tablet computer or a tablet in short, is a mobile computer that is thin, flat, and has a colored touch screen display.  Storms: A storm is a disturbed state of the atmosphere or the environment, with extreme weather and dangerous meteorological phenomena. Potential effects of a storm include damage, serious social and economic disruption, and even loss of human life.  Spring:  Spring is one of the four temperate seasons. It comes after winter and precedes summer. Speakers:  A loudspeaker or simply, a speaker is an electroacoustic transducer or a device that converts electrical signals into sound.  Rubbing Alcohol: Rubbing Alcohol is either isopropyl alcohol or ethanol-based liquids that are widely used as a sanitizer or disinfectant.  Planets: The word planet was derived from an ancient Greek term that meant “wandering star,” referring to those objects in the night sky that moved, unlike the other fixed stars.




3D Printing, Advertising, Cloud Storage, Trains, Mammals, Aerosol spray, Common Cold.  Find out about the inner workings and origins of the things that pique your curiosity. 3D Printing: 3D printing is the process that creates three-dimensional objects by forming layers of material through computer control.  Advertising:  Advertising is a form of marketing communication that aims to promote or sell a product, service, or idea.  Cloud Storage: Cloud storage is a set of logical pools in multiple servers where digital data can be stored.  Train: A train is a form of transportation that usually consists of two or more vehicles connected to each other, and runs on a track.  Mammals:  Mammals are vertebrates from the class Mammalia, which comes from the Latin word “mamma” meaning breast. Mammals include the largest and smartest animals in the planet.  Aerosol Spray:  Aerosol spray is a dispensing system that creates an aerosol, a mist of liquid particles.  Common Cold: Common cold is a viral infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract that mainly affects the nose and sometimes, the throat, sinuses, and larynx or voice box. It is also more simply known as a cold.




Ultimate, Aspirin, Cello, Tattoo, Tea, Thanksgiving, Recycling.  Find out about the inner workings and origins of the things that pique your curiosity. Ultimate: Ultimate is a non-contact sport played with a disc more commonly known as a Frisbee. Aspirin:  Acetylsalicylic acid, or aspirin, as a medication that is commonly used to treat pain and fever.  Cello:  A cello can also be referred to as a violoncello. It belongs to the violin family of musical instruments. Tattoo:  A tattoo is a form of body modification which involves inserting ink into the dermis, altering the pigment of the skin. Tea: Tea is an aromatic drink or beverage that is prepared by pouring hot water over cured leaves. Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving is a public holiday that is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States.   Recycling:  Recycling is the process of turning waste into reusable materials, an alternative to the conventional way of waste disposal. It is actually beneficial for the environment as it helps lower greenhouse gases and pollution, which cause ozone depletion and global warming.




Yacht, Summer, Sushi, Taekwondo, Tsunami, Violin, Washing Machine.  Find out about the inner workings and origins of the things that pique your curiosity. Yacht: A yacht is a boat or ship that is mainly used for recreational purposes.  Summer:  Summer is one of the four temperate seasons. It succeeds spring and precedes autumn.  Sushi:  Sushi is a Japanese delicacy that consists of cooked vinegary rice known as sushi-meshi, and various ingredients such as seafood, meat, vegetables, or fruits.   Taekwondo: Taekwondo is a Korean martial art that emphasizes various kicking techniques.  Tsunami:   A tsunami occurs when a huge volume of water in an ocean, sea, or large lake is displaced, causing a series of waves. Violin: A violin is a string instrument that is usually made of wood.  It is informally referred to as a fiddle.   Washing Machine:  A washing machine is a machine that washes laundry automatically, instead of hand washing, the traditional way of doing laundry.




Milk, Moon, Pencil, Roller Coaster, Ruler, Sail Boat, Snakes.  Find out about the inner workings and origins of the things that pique your curiosity.  Milk: Milk is a liquid that comes from the mammary glands of mammals.  Moon:  The moon is a natural satellite, an astronomical object that circles around the planet earth.  Pencil:  A pencil is a writing or art instrument that contains a narrow, solid pigment at the core, enclosed in a protective casing.  Roller Coaster:  A roller coaster is an amusement ride that we usually see in theme parks.  Ruler:  A ruler is an instrument that is used to measure distances or draw straight lines. Sailboat: A sailboat is a watercraft that is driven by sails. Snacks: Snacks are portions of food that are usually smaller than meals and are eaten in between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner, or even late at night long after dinner.




Fossils, Gyms, Hair, Induction Cooking, Makeup, Karate, Kick Boxing. Find out about the inner workings and origins of the things that pique your curiosity. Fossil:  Dinosaur skeletons, and animal tracks.  The word fossil was derived from the Latin word “fossils” which literally means “obtained by digging.”  Gym: It is where you exercise, and where athletes workout.  A gym is an open or covered area that functions as a venue for gymnastics and athletics. Hair: Hair is a protein filament, or a long chain of protein, that grows from a skin organ called a follicle. Follicles can be found on the skin, which is also known as the dermis. Most parts of the human body are covered with follicles.  Induction Cooker:  An induction cooker is a cookware that uses magnetic induction instead of a flame to conduct heat.  Makeup: Makeup is any material or product that is used to improve or modify the physical appearance and fragrance of a person’s face and body.  Karate: It is the art of movement techniques such as knife hands, spear hands, and palm heel strikes.  Kickboxing:  Kickboxing is a stand up combat sport that is based on kicking and punching.




Chopsticks, Coffee, Coins, Cooking, Cotton, Dinosaurs, Earthquake.  Find out about the inner workings and origins of the things that pique your curiosity. Chopstick: Chopsticks are a pair of equal length sticks that are used as eating utensils. They are usually made of wood, bamboo, plastic, or stainless steel.   Coffee:  It has that sweet soothing aroma that makes you want to have a cup. Coffee is a beverage that is made from brewing roasted beans from the berries of a plant called Coffee. Coins:  Coins are small, flat, and usually round pieces of metal that are most often issued by the government to be used as a medium of payment in everyday transactions.  Cooking: Cooking is the craft and technology of preparing food with the use of heat.  Cotton:  It’s that white little cushion that looks like a tiny cloud. It is used to make fabric for most of the clothes we wear including shirts, jeans, and socks.   Dinosaurs: The word dinosaur was derived from the Greek words “deinos,” which means “terrible” or “fearfully great,” and “sauros,” meaning “lizard.” Earthquake: An earthquake is a noticeable tremor or shaking of the earth’s surface that is caused by waves of energy travelling through the earth’s layers called seismic waves.




Roller skates, Baking, Bamboo, Books, Bridges, Calendar, Calligraphy.  Find out about the inner workings and origins of the things that pique your curiosity. Roller Skates: Roller skates are basically wheels attached to shoes. Sometimes the wheels themselves are built under the soles while other designs allow them to be detachable from the shoes   Baking: Baking is a method of cooking that uses prolonged dry heat where food is usually placed in an oven, causes dough or batter to develop a firm dry crust and a softer center which produces what we call baked goods such as tarts, cakes, and custards. Bamboo: Bamboos are actually a subfamily of flowering perennial evergreen plants that belong to the grass family Poaceae. Books: There are all types of books, ones that contain stories or novels. Bridges: A bridge is a structure that serves as passage across or over an obstacle such as a body of water, a valley, or another road. Calendar: A calendar is a system that numbers days and categorizes them into weeks, months, and years for social, religious, commercial, or administrative uses. With the help of calendars, dates are made standard or universal so people do not get confused in setting meetings and planning activities.  Calligraphy:  Calligraphy is a visual art that involves writing in creative designs through expressive, harmonious, and skillful lettering. It is the activity behind the beautiful fonts that we see on words printed or inscribed on wedding invitations, graphic designs, religious art, cut-stone, and more.




The Blues, Snow, Wax, Ice Skating, Clay, Reptiles, Architecture.  Find out about the inner workings and origins of the things that pique your curiosity.  The Blues:  It is that soulful, foot stomping, head bobbin blend of toe tapping rhythms and that characteristic guitar wail. Snow:  It is that white powdery ice that makes winter wonderlands possible. Wax:  Waxes are a diverse type of organic compounds that are 1) hydrophobic or water repelling and 2) malleable solids at near ambient temperatures.  Ice Skating:  It is one of the most popular winter pastimes that involves moving or gliding through ice. We’re talking about of course the activity known as ice skating.  Clay:  It is that soft moldable and malleable solid that hardens into rock.  Reptiles:  They are the scaly 4 legged or no legged vertebrate creatures that we share the land and the waters with. Architecture:  Architecture is the planning, designing and constructing of buildings and physical structures. It is also the body of knowledge incorporating art, physics, technology and culture which encompasses these physical structures.




Hashtag, Lotion, Human Voice, Can Opener, Semiconductors, Professional wrestling. Find out about the inner workings and origins of the things that pique your curiosity.  Hashtag:  The hash symbol is known by many names like the number sign or the pound sign. Aside from social media’s use of it, the symbol is also commonly used to denote numbers. Lotion: A lotion is a slightly viscous liquid preparation that is applied on unbroken skin. Human Voice: The human voice is the sound that human beings generate by vibrating vocal cords along with our lungs, throats and mouths. And it’s more than just sound. As the human voice is the basic component of speech and language, and thus is also responsible for a wide range of human interaction and communication. Can Opener: As its name suggests a can opener is a device that is used to easily and safely open cans. .Semiconductors:  Semiconductors are usually made up of elements like antimony, arsenic, boron, carbon, germanium, selenium, silicon, sulfur, and tellurium.  Professional Wresting:  It is what people call the most electrifying type of sports entertainment. 1-part Theater, 1-part fight sports and 1-part stunt performance.  Robot: A robot is a mechanical or virtual artificial agent. Basically, an electronic machine that is programmed to do specific tasks.




Emoticons and Emojis, Piercings, Self- Balancing scooter, Umbrella, Bicycle, Belly Button, Winter.  Find out about the inner workings and origins of the things that pique your curiosity. Emoticons and Emojis:  A string of text that when put together resemble facial expressions and actions. Piercings:  Piercing is a form of body modification which involves literally puncturing or cutting part of human skin and tissue to insert ornamental pieces such as rings, studs and the like. Self-Balancing Scooter:  A self-balancing scooter is a 2-wheeled electric transportation system that stays upright as a rider step on it. It is steered as the rider shifts their body weight into their desired direction. Umbrella: An umbrella is a folding canopy supported by outward protruding ribs which can be made of metal, wood or some other material. A large circular fabric, that is usually waterproof, covers the ribs and also folds along with it. This is what provides the user protection against rain or sunlight.  Bicycle: The bicycle is basically 2 wheels attached to a frame. This frame holds the wheels, the handlebar, the gears as well as the seat together. Belly Button: A tiny little hole in our lower abdomen. Winter: The word winter comes from the Indo European “wend” which means water. Winter only happens to regions below or above the equatorial region of the map this is because areas near the equator pretty much receive the same amount of sunlight a year while areas below or above it don’t.


E06-20-012生活與科學術語認識10-紙板.西洋棋.信用卡.Eclipse 軟體.電子郵件.足球.3D電腦圖形


Cardboard, Chess, Credit Cards, Eclipse, Email, Football. Find out about the inner workings and origins of the things that pique your curiosity. Cardboard: Cardboard is a broad term that basically describes a form of heavy-duty paper of various strengths used in a variety of different applications. Cardboard achieves its strength from various paper construction methods as well as its composition. Chess:  It is a game of wits and strategy. Chess is the name of the game. A board game played by two players on an 8×8 grid board of alternating colors. Credit Cards:  It is a small plastic card that you use to buy stuff and pay for goods and services sans money. Eclipse:  Eclipse is the phenomenon that occurs when a celestial body such as the sun is obscured.  Email.  Basically a message written in text that is sent to and from computers.  Football: The game football can trace its humble beginnings to ancient team sports that featured teams that either tossed or kicked balls into goals to score points. 3D Graphics: 3d graphics are a 2-dimensional simulated representation of geometric data or shapes in a 3-axis plane or a 3-dimensional space.




Aerobics, Fingernails, Video Games, EDM, Toilet, Playing Cards, Plastic.  Find out about the inner workings and origins of the things that pique your curiosity. Aerobics:  It`s a popular exercise that anybody can pick up and move to the beat.  Fingernails:  The fingernail is a hard, outer covering of the top of our fingers and toes and is also similarly found in other primate species as well. Video Games: A video game is an electronic game that has a human input device, your controller, and a means to display audio visual content or a screen and some speakers. EDM:  EDM or Electronic dance music is a catch all term for all the electronically produced danceable tunes that we listen to. Playing Cards:  It is known as a pack, a deck and other names around the world. They are playing cards. A set of 52 cards that make up a deck. Plastic:  The term plastic comes from the Greek plastikos meaning capable of being molded. Plastics are a wide range of synthetic and semi synthetic compounds that are malleable and can be molded into shape.




Memes, Drum Set, Elevator, Allergic Reactions, Heavy Metal, Paper.  Find out about the inner workings and origins of the things that pique your curiosity.  Memes:  You often see them in social media. A seemingly random picture with a short line of text evoking a humorous and even sometimes a thought-provoking response– well mostly. Drum Set:  Drums and percussion for the most part is considered one of the earliest types of instruments probably second only to the human voice. Elevator:  An elevator is basically a box and pulley system. Allergic Reaction:  An allergy or an allergic disease is the condition that is caused by the hypersensitivity of the immune system to artifacts in the environment. Heavy Metal:  Characterized by loud… loud instrumentation, blistering fast tempos and an aggressive in your face style. It’s the music called heavy metal. Calories: Calorie is a measure for a unit of energy. In thermodynamics, a calorie is the measure of heat which as we all know is a form of energy.  Paper:  A precursor to the modern paper, papyrus was made from plant fibers during the ancient Egyptian times.




Ball Point Pen, Midi, YouTube, The Olympics, Computer Mouse, Augmented Reality, Reggae.  Find out about the inner workings and origins of the things that pique your curiosity. Ball Point Pen:  The first ball point pen was conceived around 1888 as patented by John Loud who initially designed a roller pen to use for marking leather.  Midi: Midi stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. MIDI is the technical standard that allows a hardware instrument controller, such as a keyboard, to interface and connect with a computer. YouTube:  YouTube was founded by three employees from PayPal, which was a site that managed payment systems. Their names were Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim. The Olympics:  where all the world’s top athletes come together to compete in the most popular sporting event in the world, the Olympic Games. Computer Mouse:  For years, the mouse has become a ubiquitous device for computers. You can imagine how hard it is to use a computer for office work, art or even games without your trusty mouse. Augmented Reality:   It’s literally an enhancement or augmentation on our view of reality, using computers, cameras and sensors, our view of reality is augmented by a new layer of information. Reggae:  The reggae movement started as an offshoot of folk Jamaican and ska music in the 1960s. The genre itself is deeply rooted in the Rastafari movement which is a Jamaican religion that has folk Afro- Jamaican and Christian influences.




Sim card, Copyright, Animation, Optical media, Electric guitar, Clock, Cars.  Find out about the inner workings and origins of the things that pique your curiosity. Sim Card:  A sim card is your phone’s personal identification. Copyright:  Every Time someone makes an original piece of work like a song, a drawing, a poem, an article or even a video they are automatically copyright holders. Why? Because as the creator or author of your original work you. Animation:  At its core animation is an illusion created when a sequence of still images are displayed rapidly thus giving the viewer the perception of movement. And it’s not just cartoons it could be anything. Texts, graphics and even effects- it’s all animation. Optical Media: Laser discs, CDs, DVDs and even Blu-ray discs are all forms of optical media. Data in these discs are encoded and read by lasers hence the name optical media.  Electric Guitar: For decades, the electric guitar has been one of the instruments that have been instrumental in creating the most popular genres of music in this century. From rock, pop, jazz and everything in between. Clock:  It tells us time and how much of it has passed. Cars:  The invention of the automobile or the car has helped people go the distance.




Printer, Touch Screen, Lenses, Social Media, Time, Digital Video, Hip Hop. Find out about the inner workings and origins of the things that pique your curiosity.  Printer: A printer is a computer peripheral or accessory that is used to make graphical representations of text and other graphics to a physical medium such as paper. Touch Screen:  Touch screens are input devices to the minicomputers that we have in our pockets. And it’s not just in our phones, touch screens are also used in banks, hospitals, videogames, and even in election machines. Lenses:  The term lens comes from the word lentil, the food grain. It was named because a lentil viewed from the side resembled a lens. Lenses are made from transparent materials like glass. Social Media:  Social Media is a catch all term for an internet based digital multimedia. Time:  Time is a concept. Time is the continuous progression of existence and events. Digital Video:  Digital Camera recorders or camcorders came as a progression from the film cameras of yesterday.  Hip Hop: Hip Hop can trace its roots to a subcultural movement from the 1970s African American and Latino street culture of New York.




Music, Seeds, TV, Christmas Day, Money, Portland Cement, Electricity. Find out about the inner workings and origins of the things that pique your curiosity. Music: music is an art form where the medium is sound and silence. Generally, most music has common elements associated with it. Seeds:  Seeds are small embryonic plants which are enclosed in a covering or seed coat.  Seeds are formed when a plant’s ovule is fertilized. TV: For more than half a century the TV has been a staple in many houses, offices and other establishments. Christmas Day: For people in the Christian faith, Christmas marks the birth of the Christian messiah, Jesus Christ. Money:  Money is the instrument that we use to pay for goods and services. Portland Cement:  Portland cement or more commonly known as cement is one of the discoveries that has helped pave the way for today’s urban landscape. Electricity:  Electricity is defined as the flow of moving electrons or an electrical current.




Valentines Day, Basketball, Tyres, Glass, Stock Market, Vaccines, UFO – are you always wondering about the things around you? Do you always have the need to find out? Learn what makes things tick or how they simply came to be Satisfy your Curiosity.




Veins, Paint, Teeth, Sneakers, Glue, Cellphones, Yawning. Find out about the inner workings and origins of the things that pique your curiosity.  Veins: Veins are small elastic colorless tubes or blood vessels that carry blood circulating around the body from the various organs back to the heart. Paint:  Paint has been around since prehistoric times used by our homo sapiens ancestors thousands of years ago and moving forward humans as a species have been using paint in one form or the other ever since.  Teeth: Teeth are the small white calcified structures that are found in the mouths of most vertebrates. Teeth are primarily used for chewing and breaking down food for digestion. Most carnivorous animals however have a sharper type of teeth that are also utilized for hunting and self-defense.  Sneakers: Sneakers or rubber shoes have become commonplace in today’s modern world. For many, sneakers continue to be the footwear of choice from casual day to day use to more extreme activities like sports.  Glue: A glue or adhesive is a substance that is used to bond different surfaces or quite simply, it is used to stick things together. The first types of glue were naturally occurring adhesives like tar, beeswax, egg whites, plant gum and animal glue. These were used by our ancestors for thousands of years. Cellphones:  A cellphone or mobile phone is a device that is used to make and receive wireless calls.  Yawning:  Yawning is a reflex where a deep inhalation of air is accompanied by the stretching of eardrums. This is quickly followed by an exhalation of breath.




Selfie, Stars, Perfume, Black Hole, Autumn, Gravity, Meditation.  Find out about the inner workings and origins of the things that pique your curiosity. Selfie:  Selfie culture has recently been very widespread due to the rise of social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram where users can upload pictures of themselves   Stars: stars are more than just the bright lights, technically stars are big, glowing spheres made up of really hot gasses which include hydrogen, some helium and small traces of other chemical substances. Perfume:  A perfume is a mixture of fragrant components, fixatives, and solvents which when combined gives off a pleasant smell. It is usually applied to the body and sometimes to objects and spaces as well. Black Hole: black hole is described as a region in space and time that has such as strong gravitational pull that nothing can escape from it. Autumn: autumn is the season that marks the midpoint between summer and winter.  This is caused by the planet’s orbit around the sun. Gravity:  You have probably heard of the phrase what comes up must come down. And for the most part it is true. This is all made possible because of gravity.  Remember Isaac Newton? Meditation: Meditation is a practice where one focuses concentration. It may be a concentration on breathing, a sound, an idea or even the practice itself.