S01-21-015 社會企業家講習-分享如何回饋社會.募集資金.幫助弱勢
英文發音. 英文字幕.2019.48分鐘.1DVD
Speakers of this extraordinary panel share what started them on their path to giving back and how they did it from raising funds, designing programs, finding people to help in the mission, getting the word out, sharing the unequalled feeling of doing good.
S01-21-098 社會企業-Veolia法國廢棄物處理.Grameen孟加拉鄉村銀行
英文發音. 英文字幕.2019.62分鐘.1DVD
Social business is one that uses business to solve social problems. Equity holders may gradually recoup their investments, costs, and profits without taking dividends. Bangladeshi Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus shows how this works across the business spectrum, including multinational companies, very small enterprises, and even a circus company in Cambodia.
S01-21-104 社會企業-CAMFED 根除非洲貧困.女孩教育
英文發音. 英文字幕.2018.22分鐘.1DVD
Across Africa, millions of girls are denied a decent education. CAMFED aims to change that and break the cycle of poverty by paying for books, fees, even school uniforms.
S01-21-105 社會企業-Friends-International 柬埔寨流浪兒童教育與工作
英文發音. 英文字幕.2018.22分鐘.1DVD
Thousands of children live on the streets of the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh. Friends International provides education, vocational training and work experience in their restaurants and shops so children can earn their way off the streets for good. Alvin Hall advises them how to boost their income, to help even more youngsters.
S01-21-106 社會企業-Partners In Health 愛滋病治療從社會教育開始
英文發音. 英文字幕.2018.22分鐘.1DVD
Partners In Health believes helping these patients means dealing with their social problems as well as providing drug therapy. In this episode of Helping Social Entrepreneurs, Alvin Hall comes face to face with what it like to be poor and HIV positive in Africa. Can he help PIH come up with a business blueprint so they can reproduce their successful model across the world? In Malawi, the weekly HIV clinic is teeming with patients of all ages, from babies to grand-parents. A health care worker is questioning one of them about their social and economic background. He writes down an increasingly grim litany. Education none, job ?none, children ?many, rooms in mud hut too few. It is clear that these are people in need. In Malawi, one in eight adults are infected with HIV. But drugs alone may not be the answer to this deadly scourge. In Neno, a remote area in southern Malawi, poverty and HIV are both rampant. There are clutches of straw roofed huts, neglected villages and abandoned crops. People here are obviously very poor. It is the recipe for a major health crisis, one that is far beyond the resources of the government to cope with. But in the last few years, they have joined forces with Partners In Health (PIH), a social enterprise dedicated to providing quality health care to the world poorest people. PIH believes that social factors are as important as medical ones.
S01-21-107 社會企業-比利時APOPO 老鼠清除非洲地雷
英文發音. 英文字幕.2018.22分鐘.1DVD
They called Hero Rats. Can rats help clear Africa landmines Landmines brutal and indiscriminate weapons are depressingly common in the developing world. Can the highly developed sense of smell of rats help to clear this scourge In this episode of Helping Social Entrepreneurs, Alvin Hall is advising Apopo, the social enterprise behind this remarkable idea, how to secure their financial future. We travel to Mozambique where we visit the largest remaining mine field in the country. There, Apopo are drawing on the rats Remarkable sense of smell and are training them to sniff out the TNT in mines. We already had filmed them being trained in Tanzania and now it was time to see them at work in Mozambique. One of the biggest hindrances to development in rural Mozambique is the presence, or even just the suspected presence, of a mine. This was the legacy of Mozambique brutal civil war, which lasted more than 15 years, led to hundreds of thousands of deaths and left an estimated three million unexploded mines.
S01-21-108 社會企業-MSC 生態標籤.永續漁業與日本市場
英文發音. 英文字幕.2018.22分鐘.1DVD
Sustainable fishing is important for the millions of fishermen who depend on the oceans for their livelihood and to the billions of people who eat fish. But at the moment there is little sustainable fishing. The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) was set up with the dual task of convincing both fishermen and consumers of the importance of sustainably caught fish. In this episode of Helping Social Entrepreneurs, Alvin Hall task is to help the MSC to convince both fishermen and consumers of its importance. We travel to Japan ?the biggest consumer of fish and where more than forty percent of all fish sold is now imported. The oceans are under extreme pressure and many fear we are running out of fish. A grim example of this is the experience of the Grand Banks Cod Fishery, off the east coast of Canada. It had been landing tens of thousands of tons of cod every year for centuries. But in the early 1990, one of the world most abundant populations of the fish suddenly collapsed, leading to a total fishing moratorium.
S01-21-109 社會企業-印度 IDEI 低成本滴灌技術協助貧農耕種
英文發音. 英文字幕.2018.22分鐘.1DVD
In India, water management is a very big issue and one social entrepreneur is doing an amazing job of helping farmers to do this. In India, farmers struggle to grow their crops during the long dry months. The company, IDEI, tries to help by making affordable irrigation products that feed plants a drop of water at a time. But can farmers really make enough money to pay for them? And can IDEI inspirational boss, Amitabha Sadangi, accept Alvin Hall challenge to groom a successor? In India, many farmers are forced off their land during the hot, dry summer. Unable to produce enough food to feed their families, they migrate to the cities in search of work with many of them living rough on the edge of the city. This is what Amitabha is trying to change through his water irrigation system. He wants farmers to be able to grow their crops all year ?even in summer ?and therefore improve their lives and the lives of their families. But it is a heady mix, with many farmers having their superstitions and rituals alongside the simple science of Amitabha drip irrigation system. But Amitabha is a great businessman and salesman, producing a Bollywood quality film to help sell his product. And his sales goals are ambitious. He wants ten million farmers to sign up for his system in the next decade. Alvin visits farmers who have bought the drip water system for the first time and witnesses how their crops fair after the first dry summer. He also speaks with farmers who have used the drip system for a few years and sees how life has improved for them. But whatever happens to these Indian farmers, the chance to transform their lives came from the extraordinary vision of one man, Amitabha Sadangi, and his tremendous commitment to them. IDEI is now going global, with offices in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
S01-21-110 社會企業-非洲Riders for Health 農村保健服務
英文發音. 英文字幕.2018.22分鐘.1DVD
In rural Africa, poor transport costs lives. Riders for Health is changing all this. But can they now set up a new medical transport network in rural Zambia in just six months? Can they meet Alvin Hall challenge to import motorcycles, train riders and clear all the political, legal and business hurdles? Alvin Hall, a business and financial expert, is travelling the world helping social entrepreneurs become more successful. In this first episode, Alvin meets a couple who are addressing a serious problem for the delivery of health care service ?transportation. But they don want their work to be seen as charity. They want it to be a self-funding program run by locals. However, in order to do that they need to train local riders and drivers to carry out simple checks and preventative maintenance of the vehicles. If this is done, the result is hardly any breakdowns no matter how rough the roads. Riders for Health began more than 20 years ago. Today they employ nearly 300 people in seven African countries. They manage more than 1,300 vehicles that provide access to health care for more than ten million people. And although they manage all sorts of vehicles the motorbike remains at the heart of their work. The motorbike is low cost to buy, it is low cost to run and public health workers and for people who are running specimen transport and so on, you cannot afford to buy a big vehicle for everybody who needs one. The motorbike, unlike cars, are able to negotiate single tracks. Given the poor state of the roads in Africa, it is essential that they use a mode of transport that can travel over all types of terrain. The motorbikes are also able to reach remote rural communities, often on tracks, making sure that everybody receives medical care.
S01-21-103 社會企業-全球小額信貸網站 Kiva
英文發音. 英文字幕.2018.22分鐘.1DVD
Can the poor borrow their way out of poverty? In this episode, Alvin Hall aims to find out by lending just $25 to two small businesswomen in Tanzania, via Kiva, a global micro-finance website.