

貨號: M30-20-031 分類:


A client walks into your office with Upper Crossed Syndrome. He has a stooped posture, a bent-forward neck, and is complaining of neck pain, frequent headaches, lockjaw, and swallowing irregularities. You soon find the techniques you’ve been taught in school just don’t seem to relieve the pain or restore supportive posture.

Plus, the amount of time you spend with manual therapy makes your hands not as strong as they need to be for your next client. You wind up frustrated with minimal results and your client finally seeks another therapist to solve the pain puzzle.

Michelle Burns, a retired nurse and LMT for more than 20 years, specializes in postural distortions because she experienced UCS firsthand. With Michelle’s unique and comprehensive plan, you’ll be able to not only reduce that client’s pain in less time but save your hands in the process.

Get the satisfaction that you are restoring the client back to his regular activities for daily living (ADLs). Watch your confidence level rise to tackle UCS and other postural distortions when you encounter them with other clients.