Video fitness favorite Amy Bento Ross returns with this dynamic workout set that will challenge the intermediate and advanced enthusiast. Workout One consists of warm-up (specific to this routine), four intermediate, very athletic step combinations with no spinning or complex patterns. The step patterns are easy to follow and recognizable for all of you seasoned or intermediate steppers i.e.; turn step, diagonal, around the world, and L step are only some of the fun moves incorporated into this awesome workout. Be prepared to hop/jump on or over the step. If you need a modification, Jill provides a few throughout the routine. Amy and her team breakdown combinations one and two to start. Both combinations are then done back to back a few times through. Amy and the team work to breakdown combinations 3 and 4, followed by putting them both together a few times through. A short cool down is performed after the cardio combinations are completed and is followed by a ten minute yoga inspired stretch. Amy makes certain your entire body is relaxed, stretched and feeling refreshed. Grab your towel and lots of water, this workout is a fantastic cardio and leg challenge for all! Total run time for cardio approx. 40 minutes, 10 minute stretch is separate from cardio section.
Workout Two is for the more advanced stepper or someone who has mastered the athletic routine and is ready to take on the challenge! The workout begins with a warm-up (specific to this routine), three complex step patterns that are broken up into small sections. Amy has you go back and practice each section just enough to master it and then adds on the final pieces to complete the combination. Each combination is unique but incorporates familiar moves with a different Amy twist. At the end of the combinations, Amy and her team lace the combinations together for a fun filled flow of hot stepping! Some modifications are performed by Jill in this workout but Amy suggests you watch this workout in its entirety, and then join in. The workout ends with a short cool down followed by the ten minute yoga stretch. Everyone will kick off their sneakers and feel the Zen together. Total run time for cardio approx. 40 minutes, 10 minute stretch is separate from cardio section. One more detail… the music! In this workout the music was selected by Amy specifically who listened to more than 300 tracks to get the right energy feel for these workouts. Muscle Mixes produced all the music for these workouts. A lot of the songs have lyrics you can sing along to once you get to know them. As Amy says “music is a huge driver in feeling the energy of a workout”. Enjoy! BONUS: One yoga-inspired 10-minute stretch that will help to counter all that tough stepping. Two (2) premixes combining both step workouts to create four different heart pumping workouts.
AMY BENTO ROSS-Stepletic有氧階梯踏板中.高級訓練
貨號: L13-20-020
分類: 有氧運動
Callanetics 健肌操9套精緻版