


貨號: E01-20-007 分類: ,






The air we breathe out, diamonds, coal, plastic, and oil are objects very  different from each other. But did you know that they share something in  common? All things are composed mainly of carbon; an element we usually overlook because of its abundance and because it doesn’t  sound as catchy as gold or silver. Whether in living or nonliving beings; solid,  liquid, or gas, carbon is there along with other elements.




Silver is valued as a precious metal, just like gold, since the ancient times. It’s a soft, shiny, white metal with the atomic number of 47 and is represented by the symbol “Ag,” coming from its Latin name “argentum” which roughly translates to “shiny” or “white.” Amongst all metals, silver is best in conducting heat and electricity and reflectivity; properties that come very handy in various industries like electronics. We wouldn’t call that second place now, would we?




If we are not too familiar with chemistry, we would still know that chlorine is  important because it pops up even in normal conversations but we don’t know  why it becomes important. Well, say no more because in this program we’ll find out why chlorine is one popular element. This element has the atomic  number 17 and is represented by the symbol “Cl”. At room temperature, chlorine  is a yellow green gas, but of course when bonded with other elements, the  states of matter change.




Sodium is one of the more familiar elements because it has basic, everyday  uses and its existence has already been known through the compounds it  formed. The sodium metal was first isolated in 1807 by Sir Humphry Davy, the  same person who first isolated potassium. Sodium was isolated through the  electrolysis of sodium hydroxide (NaOH), commonly known as lye or caustic  soda. Sodium has the atomic number 11 and has the chemical symbol “Na” from  its New Latin counterpart “natrium”.




Platinum is one household chemical element. Why it’s popular, even to the ones with the least chemistry knowledge, we’ll find out together. This element has the atomic number 78 and has the chemical symbol “Pt.” Due to its incredible resistance to corrosion even at high temperatures and resistance to oxidation in moist air, platinum is considered a noble metal. Note that “noble metal” is different from “precious metal.” Precious metals have high economic value and at one point used as currency, but they don’t necessarily resist oxidation and corrosion, like copper. Alongside gold, silver and palladium among others, platinum is both considered a noble and a precious metal.




Silicon? Isn’t that the name of the valley filled with tech companies? Isn’t that the little bags you can find in shoeboxes and bags? Yes, silicon is all that. But first and foremost, silicon is an element. It’s hard but brittle, blue-gray crystalline object that looks like a metal when it isn’t. Silicon is a metalloid or semimetal, perhaps the most popular one, with atomic number 14 and chemical symbol “Si.” Jӧns Jacob Berzelius was credited for the discovery of silicon by being the first person to obtain pure silicon through the process of heating isolated potassium metal with silicon tetrafluoride (SiF4) then repeatedly washing the product until it becomes a brown powder. Berzelius only imitated this method from Joseph Gay-Lussac and Louis Thenard who were able to produce amorphous silicon but the two were unable to reduce silicon to its purest form. The name silicon came from the Latin “silicis” which means “flint.”




The lone element on the topmost right side of the periodic table is helium. Yes, it’s the gas inside balloons that changes the sound of your voice when you inhale it. Helium has the chemical symbol “He” and atomic number 2. Helium is the only noble gas that only has two valence electrons in its outermost atom shell as opposed to the others’ 8, because of its smaller atomic radius. This makes helium the most stable noble gas because the two electrons are more closely held. Helium was named after the Greek god of the Sun, Helios because the first sighting of helium was a yellow line in the spectrum of the chromosphere of the Sun. 27 years later, terrestrial helium was first isolated by Sir William Ramsay by treating the mineral cleveite with mineral acids. He was expecting the element argon but after separating nitrogen and oxygen from the gas freed by sulfuric acid, Ramsay observed a yellow line that was similar to the one observed from the sun’s spectrum. Per Teodor Cleve and Abraham Langlet were also able to isolate helium that same year on a separate occasion. All three are recognized for the discovery of helium.



Nitrogen is one of the few nonmetal elements in the periodic table.  It’s positioned between carbon and oxygen; it’s atomic number is 7  and represented by the symbol “N.” The name came from the Greek  word “nitre” which means “to form.” It was discovered and first  isolated by Daniel Rutherford, although Carl Wilhelm Scheele and  Henry Cavendish were also able to do it at the same time on a  separate occasion, Rutherford published his discovery first.