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專家講座2791-Russell Barkley, Ph.D. 兒童.青少年注意力不足過動症治療


貨號: K04-21-039 分類: , ,


Watch world-renowned ADHD expert Dr. Russell Barkley in a 3-hour seminar highlighting new insights in the diagnosis, treatment and management of ADHD. Packed with recent research and practical application, this webcast is a must-see for anyone who works with kids and adolescents diagnosed with ADHD

Follow along with Dr. Barkley as he walks you through:

His latest research findings and what that means for treatment and management of ADHD today
How to differentiate between ADHD and Sluggish Cognitive Tempo (SCT) – and why it matters
The startling correlation between untreated ADHD and premature, severe health problems
Why an ADHD diagnosis lends itself to significant health problems and shorter life expectancy
The evolution of ADHD as more than just an educational or mental health problem
14 best principles for managing ADHD in children and teens
An update on the most recent evidence-based treatment recommendations

Don’t miss this rare opportunity to learn from a legend in the mental health field!


Russell A.Barkley博士是弗吉尼亞州里士滿維吉尼亞兒童治療中心和維吉尼亞聯邦大學醫學中心精神病學臨床教授。他是臨床心理學(ABPP)、臨床兒童和青少年心理學以及臨床神經心理學(ABCN,ABPP)三個專業文憑。 巴克利博士是比特臨床科學家、教育家和從業者,出版23本書、評分表和41版臨床手册。 他還發表270多篇關於多動症和相關疾病的性質、評估和治療的科學文章和書籍章節,並著有《在學校管理多動症》(2016)。

他是雙月刊臨床通訊《多動症報告》的創始人和編輯,該通訊已出版25年。 巴克利博士在國際上發表了800多篇受邀演講,並代表多動症患者出現在全國電視節目中,如《60分鐘》、《今日秀》、《早安美國》、《CBS周日早晨》、《CNN》和許多其他節目。 他因其一生的成就、職業成就、對多動症研究、臨床實踐和科學傳播的貢獻而獲得了專業協會和多動症組織的獎項。