Join Dr. Stephen Porges, the developer of Polyvagal theory (PVT)—also known as the neuroscience of safety—as he offers a paradigm shift in autism intervention.
You’ll learn that the behaviors you frequently observe are the tip of the iceberg. That we must go below the waterline to reveal the most important treatment goal for all individuals: the neuroception of safety as evidenced by physiological state regulation. You’ll learn the best strategies for down regulating threat and defensive reactions by shifting the individual’s state to that of calmness with feelings of safety leading to accessibility and spontaneous social engagement.
Dr. Porges will present new ways to conceptualize and write treatment goals that are respectful of the child’s (and parent’s) nervous systems, leading the way to improved communication, relational satisfaction, and joy. Autism treatment that includes an appreciation of the body, the physiology of parent and child.
Through research and an understanding of the science, this workshop presents cutting edge integration of neuroscience into autism support, providing new, emerging applications and offering hope and a new focus on the neuroscience of safety to autism treatment.
Stephen W. Porges 博士印第安納大學傑出大學科學家,也是金賽研究所創傷性壓力研究聯盟創始主任。他擔任北卡羅來納大學精神病學教授以及伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校和馬里蘭大學名譽教授。Porges 博士曾擔任心理生理學研究協會和行為與腦科學協會聯合會的主席,並且曾獲得國家心理健康研究所科學家發展獎。他發表 300 多篇同行評議科學論文,涉及多個學科,包括麻醉學、生物醫學工程、重症監護醫學、人體工程學、運動生理學、老年學、神經學、神經科學、產科、兒科、精神病學、心理學、心理測量學、空間醫學和物質虐待。1994 年 Porges 博士提出了多迷走神經理論,該理論將哺乳動物自主神經系統的進化與社會行為聯繫起來,並強調生理狀態在行為問題和精神障礙表現中的重要性。基於對在多種行為、精神和身體障礙中觀察到的症狀的調節機制的洞察,該理論正在導致創新治療。他是多迷走神經理論:情緒、依戀、交流和自我調節的神經生理學基礎(諾頓,2011 年)、多迷走神經理論袖珍指南:安全感的變革力量(諾頓,2017 年)的作者Polyvagal 理論的臨床應用編輯:Polyvagal 知情療法的出現(諾頓,2018 年)。Porges 博士還是基於音樂的干預措施 Safe and Sound Protocol™ 的創建者,目前有 1000 多名治療師使用該協議來改善自發的社交參與、降低聽力敏感性以及改善語言處理、狀態調節、和自發的社會參與。