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In this dynamic lecture from the renowned Robert Donatelli, PT, PhD, learn how to actively treat post-concussion symptoms and return your patients back to sports, reaction, and life. With a mixture of video and lecture, you will review the pertinent anatomy and function of the vestibular system with emphasis on ocular motor function and balance training.

Examine how concussions effect the vestibular system and ocular motor system with athletes in relation to their performance, particularly with Cervicogenic Vestibular Dysfunction. Walk away with the proper evaluation tests that can pinpoint which system – somatosensory, vestibular, and vision – has deficits and treatment techniques that can lead to improved performance on and off the field.


羅伯特·多納泰利 (Robert Donatelli) 博士是內華達州拉斯維加斯 Out Reach 體育項目主管,在那裡他直接與 UNLV 曲棍球隊合作,負責制定腦震盪後項目以及評估和治療傷害。在他職業生涯中,他曾與一系列令人印象深刻的運動隊以及專業和奧林匹克運動員合作,其中包括安迪·羅迪克、吉米·康納斯、約翰·麥肯羅、娜塔莉·古布利斯、中國奧運代表隊,以及最近與華盛頓國民隊的丹·烏格拉合作。除了在臨床領域取得的成就外,Donatelli 博士還作為主旨演講在國內外進行了演講,並在同行評審期刊上發表了 30 多篇文章,並出版了三本教科書; 肩部物理療法第 5 版, 骨科物理治療第 4 版足部和踝關節生物力學第 2 版 和 運動特定康復第 1 版。