After suffering a stroke, many emerge feeling trapped in a body that no longer works and fear the life they knew is gone. Furthermore, standard treatment strategies end with persistent long-term deficits and very basic gross motor skills at best. Your patient does not have to accept this fate and with the correct skillset, neither should you. Stroke rehabilitation does not have to be an either/or scenario – patients do not have to choose between walking or the ability to regain use of their arm!
While you may know techniques to facilitate movement in a flaccid UE and LE are similar, do you know how to improve each individually as movement emerges? Are you able to easily identify methods to “force” movement and drive neuroplasticity in motor control and sensory recovery? Can we re-create automatic movement (without thinking)? Don’t miss this opportunity to get answers to these questions and leave with a groundbreaking evidence-based skillset to achieve life changing results for your patients!
You are working with a 68-year-old patient 2 weeks after a stroke who is demonstrating minimal but observable wrist and finger extension + sensory impairment in their affected arm. Can you help this person achieve full use of their arm to dress, carry items while walking, open doors and turn on faucets? After this course – your response should be a resounding…”Yes!”.
Unfulfilled rehabilitation potential is one of the greatest losses a stroke patient may face. Don’t miss your opportunity to learn the skills needed to completely redefine what is possible for quality of life after a stroke.
Mike Studer,PT,MHS,NCS,CEEAA,CWT,CSST,FAPTA,從事物理治療已有 30 多年,曾獲得密蘇里哥倫比亞大學和印第安納波利斯大學的學位。自 1995 年專職神經物理治療臨床專家,自 2011 年以來老年 PT 學會指定為老年人認證運動專家 (CEEAA)。Mike 曾擔任副總裁APTA 神經物理治療學院,曾擔任神經病學和老年 PT 學院的多個國家級特殊興趣小組的主席和副主席,包括平衡與跌倒、中風和神經病學實踐委員會. 他在俄勒岡州的 Northwest Rehabilitation Associates 執業創立。自 1995 年以來,Studer 開設了有關神經病學和老年病學康復的課程並發表了文章,並撰寫和合著了 30 多篇有關神經病學和老年病學主題的文章,以及有關中風、認知、PD 和預防保健的幾本書章節。Mike 是多所大學和國家會議的定期客座講師,主題包括雙重任務康復、腦震盪、中風、帕金森病、平衡、運動控制、康復和運動表現中的運動學習、認知障礙和病例管理. 神經物理治療學會授予 2011 年年度臨床醫生,並在 2014 年再次被老年 PT 學會授予國家榮譽。2021年,Mike 獲得了俄勒岡州 APTA 頒發的 Mercedes Weiss 服務獎。邁克在 2020 年通過 APTA 獲得獎學金資格,以表彰其在臨床實踐、研究、教育和領導方面成就。