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貨號: M30-22-017 分類: , ,


This Certification Course introduces the concept of movement therapy and enhancement via functional taping methods with the pediatric population. Additionally, this course includes a review of the current literature supporting the theory of kinesiology taping for the purposes of pain control, rehabilitation, edema/swelling management, and a multitude of pediatric and adolescent injuries.
This course is intended for health professionals with all levels of taping experience.



Dr. Jennifer Hutton is a pediatric physical therapist practicing in Nashville, TN. She graduated from Loma Linda University with her Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2008. Jennifer has extensive experience treating children 0-19 who are developmentally delayed, and those with neurological and orthopedic diagnoses, both congenital and acquired. While the world reminds children with special needs of their limitations, she believes they are all capable of the impossible and helps them see that their special gifts will help them be their best selves.

Jennifer serves on the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt’s Tri My Best Triathlon Committee. This event is designed specifically for children with special needs in which a typically developing child is paired with a participant with special needs and they compete as a team. She also enjoys volunteering for other organizations that cater to children with special needs.

In 2018 Jennifer became an instructor for RockTape which sparked a passion for teaching others. She is currently working on her own educational content for pediatric movement specialists.

Jennifer believes that her work includes helping children reach their fullest potential inside the clinic, and being an ally for children in the community.


Jennifer Hutton 博士在田納西州納什維爾兒科物理治療師。她 2008 年畢業於洛馬琳達大學,獲得物理治療博士學位。Jennifer Hutton 博士治療 0-19 歲發育遲緩兒童以及患有先天性和後天性神經和骨科診斷擁有豐富經驗。雖然世界提醒有特殊需要的孩子他們的局限性,但她相信他們都有能力完成不可能的事情,並幫助他們看到他們的特殊天賦將幫助他們成為最好的自己。

Jennifer Hutton 博士在 Vanderbilt 的 Tri My Best 鐵人三項委員會 Monroe Carell Jr. 兒童醫院任職。該活動專為有特殊需要的兒童而設計,其中一個發育正常的兒童與有特殊需要的參與者配對,他們作為一個團隊競爭。她還喜歡為特殊兒童的組織做義工。

2018 年,Jennifer Hutton 博士為 RockTape 講師,這激發了對教學他人的熱情。她目前正為兒科運動專家編寫教育內容。
