


貨號: M03-23-003 分類: ,


All clients have a reproductive story – whether they have children or not, whether they want children or not, regardless of their gender or sexuality.

And while for some that story goes as imagined, many clients go through the quiet devastation of any number of unanticipated traumas.

These stressors create unique mental health challenges that are different from what therapists were trained to treat. Infertility and pregnancy loss aren’t typical grief. Birth trauma isn’t typical trauma. Perinatal mood issues aren’t just depression and anxiety.

Unseen and unacknowledged, these traumas can shatter clients’ sense of self and shake the foundations of their intimate relationships.

Whether clients are presenting to your practice to work specifically on symptoms related to reproductive trauma – or whether reproductive trauma comes up as relevant in the context of other clinical work – you need to be prepared to help them navigate these complex struggles.

Watch Janet Jaffe, PhD, co-founder and co-director of the Center for Reproductive Psychology and acclaimed clinician and author, for this dynamic seminar designed to help you:

Assess clients’ reproductive story and its impact on self and relationships
Utilize the latest approaches to treat reproductive trauma
Create opportunities for posttraumatic growth – whether clients eventually have children or not
Manage issues of therapist self-disclosure and countertransference






觀看珍妮特·賈菲 (Janet Jaffe) 博士、生殖心理學中心的聯合創始人兼聯合主任、著名的臨床醫生和作家,參加這場旨在幫助您的充滿活力的研討會:



Janet Jaffe, PhD, is a clinical psychologist who has been working in the field of reproductive psychology for over 25 years. She is the co-founder and co-director of the Center for Reproductive Psychology in San Diego, CA where she works in private practice with individuals and couples seeking psychological support on their journey to parenthood. She has done extensive writing on infertility and pregnancy loss, including Unsung Lullabies: Understanding and Coping with Infertility and Reproductive Trauma: Psychotherapy with Infertility and Pregnancy Loss Clients, the second edition of which is scheduled to be published in 2024. Dr. Jaffe has also contributed several chapters to books as well as journal articles regarding fertility counseling and women’s health. A member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Mental Health Professional Group (ASRM, MHPG), she served as chair of the Connections Committee, overseeing educational forums for members. She has given talks on reproductive psychology for professional audiences, including several through ASRM and American Psychological Association (APA) at their annual congresses, has been interviewed by National Public Radio, and has addressed patient audiences across the country.


珍妮特·賈菲 (Janet Jaffe) 博士是心理學家,在生殖心理學領域工作超過 25 年。她是加利福尼亞州聖地亞哥生殖心理學中心的聯合創始人和聯合主任,在那裡她在私人診所工作,為在為人父母的旅程中尋求心理支持的個人和夫婦提供服務。她在不孕症和流產方面撰寫了大量文章,包括無名搖籃曲:理解和應對不孕症和生殖創傷:不孕症和流產客戶的心理治療,第二版計劃於 2024 年出版。Jaffe 博士還為有關生育諮詢和女性健康的書籍和期刊文章撰寫了幾章。作為美國生殖醫學協會心理健康專業組(ASRM、MHPG)的成員,她擔任聯繫委員會主席,負責監督成員的教育論壇。她曾為專業觀眾(包括通過 ASRM 和美國心理學會 (APA) 在他們的年度大會上發表過幾次)關於生殖心理學的演講,還接受了國家公共廣播電台的採訪,並向全國各地的患者觀眾發表演講。