


貨號: M03-23-004 分類: ,


It’s not a topic that comes up at play groups or over coffee. Instead, new parents suffer quietly, engulfed in shame and secrecy, afraid to dispel the ever-present myths about parenthood – “everything is perfect,” “I love being a parent,” and “this is the happiest time of my life.”

They don’t share the dark thoughts, intense anxiety, scary intrusive thoughts, checking excessively on the baby, feelings of inadequacy, grief over lost independence, thoughts of harm to self or baby, and even delusions and hallucinations.

Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs) are real, pervasive, and can be life-threatening.

Are you missing the signs with the parents you treat?

Watch this compelling one-day seminar and gain tools to intervene during a critical period that does not offer the luxury of time. Postpartum parents are exceptionally vulnerable, as are their infants who are fully dependent on them. This seminar is a must-attend for any professional working with pregnant or postpartum parents.



Hilary Waller, MS, LPC, is a psychotherapist who specializes in the treatment of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. She is the director of education and programming at The Postpartum Stress Center outside of Philadelphia, which was founded by renowned perinatal expert Karen Kleiman and was listed in Philly Magazine as a “Center of Excellence” for Maternal/Fetal Care in 2008. In addition to providing direct care services to individuals, couples, and groups at the center, Hilary serves as an instructor with Karen Kleiman, providing a quarterly 12 CE hour postgraduate advanced training for clinicians across the US and abroad who want to specialize in treating the perinatal population. She conducts workshops and trainings for maternal mental healthcare providers as well as non-clinical staff working with the perinatal population. Hilary completed her master’s degree in counseling psychology from Holy Family University in 2013. She is deeply honored to support new patients.

Hilary’s forthcoming clinical workbook on the treatment of Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMAD), co-authored by perinatal experts Karen Kleiman and Dr. Tonya Cotler, will be published in the fall of 2022


希拉里·沃勒 (Hilary Waller),MS,LPC,是治療生產期情緒和焦慮症的心理治療師。她是費城以外的產後壓力中心的教育和規劃主任,該中心由著名生產期專家凱倫克萊曼創立,於 2008 年被費城雜誌列為孕產婦/胎兒護理的“卓越中心”。除Hilary 為中心個人、夫婦和團體提供直接護理服務,作為 Karen Kleiman 的講師,每季度為美國和國外想要專門治療圍產期人群的臨床醫生提供 12 個 CE 小時的研究生高級培訓。她為孕產婦心理保健提供者以及與圍產期人群打交道的非臨床工作人員舉辦研討會和培訓。希拉里完成了她的碩士課程.希拉里即將出版的關於圍產期情緒和焦慮症 (PMAD) 治療的臨床工作手冊由圍產期專家 Karen Kleiman 和 Tonya Cotler 博士共同撰寫.