Falls frequently result in significant adverse effects not only to patients but also to families and institutions. The far-reaching effects of falls make fall prevention an important topic for all healthcare providers. Falls are associated with increased morbidity and mortality and are frequently a source of litigation and insurance claim denial. The impact of falls is extensive from psychologically to financially. The complex multifactorial causes of falls, such as cognitive disorders, gait impairment and environmental factors, make fall prevention a challenge; however, there are evidence-based interventions available to mitigate the risks for even the most challenging situations.
Healthcare professionals are increasingly aware of the importance of fall data, adverse effects from falls and limited staffing resources to provide 1:1 supervision to prevent falls. This recording will provide realistic, efficient, and effective solutions to address falls. Learn best practice guidelines, evidenced-based interventions and prevention strategies, as well as how to apply this knowledge to your practice setting. This recording will provide a hands-on, logical step-by-step approach to develop effective fall prevention plans to reduce falls, prevent injuries and limit liability. Join me for this comprehensive and dynamic seminar to explore your challenges and develop solutions for your struggles with falls.