Child/adolescent behavioral professional, Jay Berk, PhD, will help you learn how to best manage the students at your school diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), mood disorders, anxiety and depression. You will walk away with concrete, yet practical, strategies to intervene with their serious behavioral issues, such as:
Anger and outbursts
Meltdowns and tantrums
Cutting and self-injury
Obsessive compulsive
Sensory issues
Electronic addiction
Through case studies, video clips and dynamic class discussion you will learn:
30 second teacher strategies to manage challenging and disruptive behaviors
New ways to reduce the costs of out-of-district placements
How to engage students in class, increase productivity and reduce truancy
Behavioral assessments and strategies for the IEP team
Side-effects of common psychotropic medications
How skill deficits from mental health conditions create behavioral difficulties
Characteristics of at-risk students’ mental health problems
Strategies to gain collaboration with clinicians
兒童特教, 教育管理