
專家講座2859-IASTM 軟組織鬆動術-專業高階訓練精進版


貨號: M30-22-001 分類: ,


The Advanced IASTM Practitioner Certification introduces the concept of mechanical gliding of skin, fascia and nerve. It also presents concepts of neuro-sensory pain modulation via Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization. IASTM tools are designed to be used with very gentle applications of force, aggressive techniques with heavy pressure are no longer required. The anatomy, physiology and neurology of myofascial soft tissue is presented, along with a review of concepts of interlayer connective tissue gliding during normal human movement. Students will learn IASTM techniques using a rubber sleeve attachment for added tissue traction to treat gliding dysfunctions of skin, fascia and nerve. The Advanced IASTM Practitioner Certification also introduces pain modulation techniques via use of an additional IASTM tool attachment, the neurosensory comb.

This course is intended for performance professionals and therapists who have already attained a basic understanding of soft tissue techniques.


Steven Capobianco, DC, MA, DACRB, PESCapobianco 博士擁有運動機能學和運動科學學士和碩士學位,以及脊骨神經醫學博士學位。Steven Capobianco執業運動脊椎按摩師,持有 ACA 康復文憑和 NASM 績效提升專家認證。Steven Capobianco博士在科羅拉多州丹佛市成立 Project MOVE 運動康復和表現研究所,該機構專注運動控制功能障礙,以試圖提高職業運動員表現。史蒂夫是位狂熱運動員,對運動充滿熱情。他在冰球、長曲棍球、鐵人三項、冒險賽車和自然健美比賽投入 25 年。

Steven Capobianco是 Rocktape 醫學教育高級總監,開創性循證教育和產品,挑戰當前對人類運動實踐。他撰寫 Fascial Movement Taping 手冊,並在全球演講運動矯正與復健策略。