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專家講座2890-Applied Behavior Analysis-ABA 應用行為分析臨床應用於自閉症.創傷性腦損傷.腦癱.多動症.學習障礙.癡呆症.中風病患




The truth is it only takes a few seconds for a client’s challenging behavior to derail a session and it can take 45 minutes for them to de-escalate—by then your time together is almost up.

Watch Landria Seals Green and Robin William as they empower you with the skills and practical tools to reduce the challenging behaviors and keep your client’s progress on track. While the application of ABA has been largely clinically confined to autism the broader use of ABA is for all learners regardless of diagnosis. So, whether your client has autism spectrum disorder, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, ADHD, learning disability, dementia, or has had a stroke— this session is for you! Purchase today!



Landria Seals Green,MA,CCC-SLP,BCBA,語言病理學家和行為分析師,在臨床治療和臨床領導方面擁有近 20 年的經驗。她是 Momentum Autism Therapy Services 創始人,該公司提供家庭、社區和學校的 ABA 和言語病理學服務。Landria 還創立並指導了其他多學科治療組織,並在組織行為管理以及學校和治療企業的領導方面提供諮詢服務。她在語言病理學、應用行為分析、特殊教育和職業治療方面為各種診斷的學習者培訓專業人士,並為專業人士創建培訓課程和手冊。Landria 是 SOAR 自閉症課程和自閉症、ABA 和特殊教育的 SOAR 解決方案的開發者,它為 ABA 治療計劃中的目標提供了一個綜合工具。Landria 為公立、私立和特許學校提供強化行為乾預 (IAI) 計劃的諮詢和培訓,是該領域廣受歡迎的專家。