When your patient has vision deficits, even your most tried-and-true therapy protocols can quickly go off the rails, dramatically limiting your effectiveness and halting progress in a variety of frustrating ways:
Poor performance of tasks/exercises
Frequent falls
Avoidance of ADLs
Increased functional dependence
Noncompliance with home programs
Reading/communication problems
Limited hand-eye coordination
Gait and posture dysfunction
Here’s the good news. Vision deficits don’t have to limit you or your patients ever again. You’ll learn a powerful framework for vision rehabilitation that has helped countless therapists and their patients overcome these challenges.
Whether your patients are adults with diabetic retinopathy or stroke survivors with vision perception problems, you’ll transform your practice with innovative interventions that accelerate progress for outcomes that will earn you referrals.
羅伯特.康斯坦丁職業治療師,在視覺和神經康復領域擁有近20年經驗。康斯坦丁先生受僱珀爾尼爾森兒童發展中心,專注治療神經和特殊兒童眼球運動障礙。康斯坦丁先生的熱情使他對視覺系統進行了深入研究,並不斷尋找改善患者治療效果的新方法。他是神經驗光康復協會成員,該協會是跨學科組織,匯集驗光、職業和物理治療工具,以治療改善神經系統障礙患者。此外他是唯一成為運動視力驗光師精英團體High Performance Vision Associates 職業治療師。因此,康斯坦丁是 IMG學院、Hendricks Motorsports 和 LPGA 巡迴賽運動視覺治療顧問。他還開發和銷售 NHRA 運動員飆車專用眼鏡,並與精英 NHRA 賽車手、高爾夫球手和運動紅土冠軍合作。