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SKU: K11-22-009 Categories: , ,


So many kids today are on the autism spectrum…and up to 70% of them have trauma or other co-occurring disorders. It’s a rapidly growing population needing services.

And if you provide therapy for kids and adolescents, the current lack of those services will push them into your care… and push you beyond your traditional scope of practice.

How can you work with this growing wave of trauma clients in a way you feel comfortable?

Sean Inderbitzen, APSW has worked with hundreds of clients with autism and co-occurring disorders. And not only does Sean work with clients with autism he himself is on the autism spectrum.

In this one-day training Sean will show you simple solutions for adapting the skills and techniques you already know to successfully treat trauma in kids and adolescents with autism.

Full of insights from the perspective of both a clinician and a person on the spectrum, Sean will show you how you can:

Use strategies for overcoming therapy interfering behaviors and concrete thinking
Employ a Polyvagal lens to make trauma treatment clear and understandable
Create visual aids for enhanced psychoeducation on trauma symptoms
Bring specific simplified language into your work with ASD clients
Adapt proven techniques from EMDR, TF-CBT and Sensorimotor Psychotherapy
Whether or not you consider yourself an autism expert, these kids and teens need your help.

Don’t miss this one-of-kind chance to grow your clinical skills and expand your scope of practice, so you can comfortably and confidently treat trauma in kids with autism.


Sean Inderbitzen,APSW,MINT,專研自閉症譜系障礙32年,社區衛生中心的一名積極臨床社會工作者,專門治療自閉症和併發創傷。 他是杜蘭大學社會工作學院博士生,是兩項治療自閉症兒童創傷後應激障礙研究的合作者,一項是關於使用改良EMDR的研究,另一項是有關感覺運動心理療法(SP)的研究。 在即將出版的新書(與Pat Ogden博士合著)《兒童、青少年和家庭感覺運動心理治療綜合指南》(Norton Interpersonal Neurobiology Series,出版中)的作者Bonnie Goldstein博士的研究和臨床指導下,他與感覺運動心理療法研究所就SP研究進行了密切合作。 關於EMDR研究,Sean接受了佛羅里達州立大學傑出研究教授、杜蘭創傷研究所成員、《社會工作實踐研究雜志》主編和《兒童和青少年社會工作雜志》聯合編輯Bruce Thyer博士、BCBA-D、LCSW的研究指導。