


貨號: MH03-22-006 分類: ,


Racial stress and trauma are common presentations in therapy…and the number of clients needing treatment is only expected to grow.

But there are few guidelines available for therapists, and fewer trainings, to show you what to do in sessions. No step-by-step guides, no clinical tools and no practice tips. You feel like you’re winging it; knowing these clients need your help, but worried that the lack of available clinical guidance will leave them suffering for years…maybe forever.

That’s why Dr. Monnica Williams, psychologist and one of the world’s foremost experts on the subject of racial trauma, has developed a 12-Session Protocol that gives therapists a step-by-step blueprint to assess for racial stress and trauma and achieve optimal outcomes in treatment.

And now, in this one-day seminar, Dr. Williams and fellow expert Dr. Chad Wetterneck will provide you the specialized training you need to utilize her treatment protocol, so you never need to feel like your clients’ race-based wounds will go unaddressed again.

When you purchase, you’ll get the essential components of treatment for racial stress and trauma based in today’s most up-to-date empirical evidence so you can:

Better validate clients’ race-based experiences
Combat clients internalized racism and self-blame
Help clients process their traumatic race-based experiences
Increase clients’ feelings of agency toward racism and reduce their feelings of helplessness
And much more!


蒙妮卡·威廉姆斯Monnica T. Williams心理學博士

PTSD Journal 評選PTSD領域25位頂級思想領袖之一





蒙妮卡·威廉姆斯Monnica T. Williams博士,專門從事認知行為療法。她經常以媒體專家身份參與公共科學討論。曾參加電視PBS、CTV、眾多新聞廣播和脫口秀與廣播節目中,並在《華盛頓郵報》、《紐約時報》、《財富》和《赫芬頓郵報》報紙和雜誌撰寫文章。

蒙妮卡·威廉姆斯Monnica T. Williams博士專注於強迫症、創傷後應激障礙和焦慮症心理和藥物治療臨床研究。她也興趣研究文化和種族對精神疾病作用。她是強迫症權威,包括性取向為主題強迫症(稱為SO-OCD 或 HOCD)、種族創傷,並且是極少數專注色人種之迷幻醫學研究。她發表100多篇經同行評審文章,以及許多書籍章節和科學報告,重點關注焦慮疾病和文化差異。

她是Behavior Therapy和New Ideas in Psychology副主編,也是Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders、Journal of Psychedelic Studies、Canadian Psychology和Cognitive Behavior Therapy編委。

蒙妮卡·威廉姆斯Monnica T. Williams博士強迫症專門治療技術,暴露和儀式預防(EX/RP)。EX/RP 是一種非常有效認知行為療法,通過改變思想和行為的過程來減少不必要的強迫觀念。大多數人在治療的第一個月開始看到改善。對於那些來自遠方的人來說,強化治療是一種選擇。威廉姆斯博士還提供心理障礙的綜合評估、健康焦慮、恐懼症、創傷和身體畸形障礙的治療。她是種族壓力和創傷方面領先專家。她還為尋求使用功能分析心理治療 (FAP) 改善人際關係質量的人們提供治療。她在美國和加拿大獲得執照,並持有跨司法管轄區執業證書。

Chad Wetterneck博士臨床心理學家,擔任Rogers行為健康公司創傷康復服務的臨床首長,在那裡他開發了住院、部分醫院和重症門診護理級別的成人創傷康復計畫。 韋特內克博士在馬奎特大學和威斯康星大學密爾沃基分校擔任兼職教職。 他發表了超過85篇同行評議的文章,與人合著了一本書,並獲得了治療結果研究的資助。 Wetteneck博士是國際強迫症基金會多樣性特別興趣小組的副主席,也是美國心理協會、美國焦慮和抑鬱協會、情境行為科學協會和國際創傷應激研究學會的成員。