

英文發音. 英文字幕.2020.15DVD

貨號: S05-21-001 分類: ,




S05-21-001      新型冠狀病毒專題-工作辦公室防疫作業

英文發音. 英文字幕.2020.10分鐘.1DVD

Information and statistics on the Coronavirus, or COVID-19, are changing rapidly.  To combat both the spread of the virus and the negative emotions in connection with it, employers need to have an open dialogue with their employees about the virus, it’s potential impact on the organization and what employees can do to protect themselves.  This program includes our top tips for protecting the workplace and employees from spreading the virus.  We’re living in a new age with new concerns.  It’s not a time to be uninformed and unaware. With no treatment, no vaccine and no immunity, it is imperative we limit the spread of this disease and each employee can play an important role in stopping the spread of germs. In this program, we’ll learn to focus on the five essential steps of prevention, the basic rules of disinfecting work areas and the roles of the company, managers and employees.  No matter the company or organization, a concerted effort must be made to meticulously clean and disinfect all workplaces after every shift. Environments that have a high potential for exposure are hospitals, health care facilities, drug treatment centers, correctional institutions and homeless shelters. Environments that have a medium potential for exposure are retail stores, public services, postal services, warehouses and public transportation. However no matter the company or organization, a concerted effort must be made to meticulously clean and disinfect all workplaces after every shift.  What do you think is the dirtiest place in a typical office? The sink faucet in the break room; followed by microwave and refrigerator door handles, keyboards and buttons on water fountains and vending machines. Consider placing a wipe able cover on electronic equipment.  Ensure that storage rooms, dining rooms, changing rooms, and refuse areas are cleaned regularly using antibacterial wipes and surface sanitizers. Food establishments should pay close attention to cash registers, countertops and checkout counters.  In vehicles, please clean door handles, window buttons, locks, arm rests, seat cushions, buckles and seat belts, steering wheels, radio buttons, turn indicators and cup holders.  If you wear a uniform provided by the company, it must be cleaned regularly or washed with detergent at the highest temperature as should towels and linens. Do not shake dirty laundry before washing.  The role of the company is to train supervisors in keeping a safe and healthy workplace.  They need to create soft barriers, such as tables, ropes, signs, and floor markings to maintain social distancing; while limiting unnecessary visitors in the workplace.  The company should provide face and eye protection, gloves and when necessary, gowns and respirators. In addition, ensure there are handwashing stations with soap, clean water and single use paper towels (not hand dryers) as well as hand sanitizers that contain at least 60% alcohol.  The company should encourage employees to work remotely and have virtual meetings, thus minimizing non-essential travel.  The role of the manager is to instruct, monitor and modify policies that keep the workplace safe and healthy.  Remember, just because someone doesn’t appear ill doesn’t mean they’re not infected.  Ask sick employees to stay home. Create sick-leave policies that are flexible and in accordance with public health agencies. Provide training classes and films demonstrating how to put on and take off protective equipment and how to properly disinfect the workplace.  Managers should give extra recognition and rewards to those unable to work from home. They should also show empathy and support during these turbulent times.  The role of the employee is to do their part to ensure the workplace is safe and healthy.  It begins with knowing the facts. COVID-19 is spread from person to person mainly through coughing, sneezing, talking and breathing. It poses a greater risk for people with underlying health conditions. The incubation period is the time between exposure to a virus and the appearance of symptoms which include fever, cough, shortness of breath, and loss of taste and smell (generally 2-14 days after exposure).


S05-21-002      新型冠狀病毒專題-企業防疫-職員個人防疫設備

英文發音. 英文字幕.2020.3分鐘.1DVD

In this program we’ll learn the importance of wearing personal protection equipment and how the virus requires additional protection. We’ll experience a visual to remind us of personal safety. PPE. Personal Protective Equipment. It keeps workers safe, especially in times when social distancing is not an option. It works as a barrier between germs and a person’s skin, eyes, nose and mouth. Personal Protection Equipment can include masks, gloves, gowns, aprons, scrubs, safety helmet, eye protection, encapsulated suit, boots and closed-toe work shoes.


S05-21-003      新型冠狀病毒專題-企業防疫-計劃與緊急處置

英文發音. 英文字幕.2020.4分鐘.1DVD

In this program we’ll learn the topics for Emergency Planning, the impact on employees and that no plan is complete without mandating mask wearing. In these uncertain times, things can change quickly. Business continuity and emergency planning are being put to the test. Both the employer and employee have responsibilities to ensure the workplace is safe and healthy. To create a business emergency plan, there are three categories: 1) Employers should start by creating a COVID-19 workplace plan, 2) Employers should consider the impact on managers and employees, and 3) Employers should have directives and training on new workplace safety policies.


S05-21-004      新型冠狀病毒專題-企業防疫-如何阻止細菌傳播

英文發音. 英文字幕.2020.3分鐘.1DVD

In this program we’ll learn how the virus enters our body, how we infect others and how to stop spreading germs. The virus enters the body through our eyes, nose and mouth. This can happen when we touch our face after coming in contact with a contaminated surface, material, or object – or when inhaling airborne droplets of the virus. A person with the virus can infect others by expelling droplets into the air through coughing, sneezing and breathing. The virus can spread to a person directly through hands, high-touch surfaces, tools, and so on. It can spread directly through coughing, sneezing and talking.  It is vital that we stop the chain of infection by following strict guidelines as outlined in this program.


S05-21-005      新型冠狀病毒專題-企業防疫-個人衛生

英文發音. 英文字幕.2020.3分鐘.1DVD

In this program we’ll learn the importance of good personal hygiene, how COVID-19 virus spreads and the safety protocols for protecting the workplace. In our country, coronavirus cases are skyrocketing. In our company, just one employee can infect multiple people, especially if you’re facing someone for more than 15 minutes or if sharing an enclosed area for more than two hours. More than ever, we need to ask who and what we come into closest contact on a typical day and how we can protect ourselves and others. We begin with personal hygiene. Good hygiene not only can help reduce the spread of coronavirus but can also help flatten the curve.


S05-21-006      新型冠狀病毒專題-企業防疫-社交距離

英文發音. 英文字幕.2020.7分鐘.1DVD

In this program we’ll learn alternatives to ensure safety in this new age, examine a work day,  provide safety suggestions and learn the importance of social distancing. Many states have adjusted laws concerning business closures and employees are now returning to work. At the same time, we are entering a new heightened age of public health awareness. Wearing masks, good hygiene and social distancing are part of our new normal and should be part of your company’s risk management plan.


S05-21-007      新型冠狀病毒專題-企業防疫-個人防護清潔用品

英文發音. 英文字幕.2020.5分鐘.1DVD

During the pandemic, employees should have a clean-up kit that includes gloves, masks, sterilized gowns, paper towels, disinfectant wipes, hand-sanitizers, a bag to dispose their used personal protective equipment and an instruction manual on how to safely clean and disenfect all work surfaces daily. With approximately 80% of diseases transmissible through touch and flu viruses living on hard surfaces for up to 72 hours, it is time to ensure a daily cleaning and disinfecting schedule is enforced in the work place.


S05-21-008      新型冠狀病毒專題-企業防疫-重新評估工作與業務模型

英文發音. 英文字幕.2020.4分鐘.1DVD

In this program we’ll learn how to reassess your business model, how to perform a health and safety assessment and how to adjust, adapt and rebuild. With the curve of the pandemic rising, proactive steps are needed to put your company in a secure position. It is time to reassess your business model, analyze your strengths and weaknesses and perform a health and safety assessment. The pandemic has taught us that change is part of life – and we must learn how to adjust, adapt, and rebuild. It starts with reinventing yourself for the long term. Let’s get organized!


S05-21-009      新型冠狀病毒專題-企業防疫-員工擔憂.學習正念技巧

英文發音. 英文字幕.2020.4分鐘.1DVD

In this program we’ll learn the importance of creative and kind leadership, how to address the concerns of employees and learn mindfulness techniques. Creative and kind leadership has never been so important and employees will remember what you do now. Throughout the day, employees are worried about their family, worried about not working up to standard, worried about adapting to a new work assignment, schedule, or location and worried they contract the virus. These stress factors must be addressed by a sensitive leader. Both the leader and employee must work together to identify stresses and provide solutions.


S05-21-010      新型冠狀病毒專題-企業防疫-適應彈性.危機管理.解封重啟計劃

英文發音. 英文字幕.2020.6分鐘.1DVD

In this program we’ll learn how to embrace resilience, the importance of a crisis management team and the three phases of a restart plan. COVID-19 has affected almost every aspect of business worldwide. In this new normal, it is time to embrace resilience. It is time to make fast and effective adjustments. The adage that necessity is the mother of invention is certainly true today. An employee is our most important asset. The customer is why our company exists. We must take every measure to provide a safe and healthy workplace for our employees, customers and vendors.


S05-21-011      新型冠狀病毒專題-企業防疫-安全健康工作場所

英文發音. 英文字幕.2020.5分鐘.1DVD

In this program we’ll learn about the danger of pandemic fatigue, how to identify workplace hygiene, social distancing and to identify appropriate personal protection equipment. The pandemic is here – and scientists are still exploring the nature of COVID-19. Progress has been made but fatigue has set-in. Tuning out allows the virus to spread even more easily. But with awareness and resilience, the employer can create a safe and healthy workplace and the employee can adhere to safety protections prescribed by the CDC, OSHA and their management team.


S05-21-012      新型冠狀病毒專題-企業防疫-5項工作場所清潔實用方法

英文發音. 英文字幕.2020.9分鐘.1DVD

In this program we’ll learn the 5 lessons necessary for a training program, the practical ways to keep the workplace clean and that it takes every employee following protocol to keep the workplace safe. Employees are looking to their employers for direction and safety training. While you cannot eliminate all risks, you can minimize them. There are five components to a safety program: Lesson 1 is wear a mask and wash your hands. Lesson 2 is ensuring the use of appropriate personal protection equipment. Lesson 3 is clean and disinfecting every area of the workplace. Lesson 4 is social distancing. Lesson 5 is having emergency protocol in place.


S05-21-013      新型冠狀病毒專題-企業防疫-員工心理輔導

英文發音. 英文字幕.2020.5分鐘.1DVD

The COVID-19 pandemic will affect the mental health and wellbeing of employees well beyond the immediacy of the initial crisis.  There are ways employers can support employees’ mental health and well-being during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.  Fear and anxiety about COVID-19 can be overwhelming.  Social distancing, can make people feel isolated and lonely and can increase stress and anxiety. Coping with the daily stress in a healthy way will make employees, co-workers and the work environment stronger and safer.   In this program we’ll learn ways to fight the virus, how to handle anxiety and our responsibility during the pandemic. People are social beings. We like to talk and share and laugh. But to fight the virus, we must all socially distance. Though it seems unnatural, it is our new normal for now. It is just a temporary adjustment, not a permanent change. Anxiety is a normal election to uncertainty and to events that may harm us. It is time to normalize the anxiety by saying we are not alone and that what we are feeling is normal and most important temporary.


S05-21-014      新型冠狀病毒專題-企業防疫-解封後如何安全重新開業

英文發音. 英文字幕.2020.6分鐘.1DVD

In this program we’ll learn how to safely reopen a business, the OSHA five-part plan and how everyone has a role to play. OSHA standards require employers to provide a workplace that is free from recognized hazards that cause or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to their employees. Every person is being asked to slow the spread of the virus through awareness, social distancing and prevention hygiene. With the participation of everyone using proactive practices, we can flatten the curve.


S05-21-015      新型冠狀病毒專題-學習對抗壓力

英文發音. 英文字幕.2020.2分鐘.1DVD

In this program we’ll learn the importance of humor in times of stress, the important ways to look at the pandemic and how to take care of ourselves in these turbulent times.  After months of dealing with the coronavirus, people throughout the world have developed pandemic fatigue. But we cannot let down our guard. While it is essential to pay attention to our emotional and physical needs, we must also find the strength to take safety precautions each and every day. It’s vital we all recognize we are all playing a role in combating this virus.