醫學講談1559-David LEMKE 運動機能sEMG 測試和適當鍛煉糾正運動功能障礙.疼痛02


貨號: M30-20-014 分類:


I used to play that frustrating game of chasing the pain with rehab clients. And for years I thought I had successfully treated thousands of clients with muscle and joint pain; however, I still felt as if there was one key ingredient I was missing to maintain function in my patients.

Then I discovered a revolutionary method after using kinesiological surface electromyography (sEMG) evaluation. This resulted in a breakthrough in one session. I was able to free a borderline frozen shoulder and eliminated nearly all the patient’s pain – with sustained results.

In my experiential training recording, I’ll show you 3 simple exercises that target the Central Nervous System to correct movement dysfunction and change your client’s lives permanently.

You’ll learn how to concentrate on the body’s true core and its bias – which we call the “Twist” – and discover how it leads to lasting change of improved balance, coordination, and effortless posture.

These strategies will revolutionize how you work with your clients. So sign up today and revolutionize the way you treat your patients.